Tuesday, July 2, 2024

Network as Code – Xyna at the dtw ignite in Copenhagen

Xyna Bulletin #14

Dear friends, partners and customers of Xyna,

being in northern countries on the summer solstice is always a special experience - we had the pleasure of being in Copenhagen two weeks ago - and had the opportunity to visit a few highlights of the city in addition to the exhibition halls of the dtw Ignite! of the TM Forum. We found Copenhagen to be an exceptionally beautiful city. If the beer wasn't so expensive - we would have to move there 😉

Have fun reading!

Best regards from Mainz,
Alexander & Philipp

Xyna GmbH
Dr. Alexander Ebbes / Philipp Dominitzki

PS: Do you know colleagues who are also interested in Xyna? Then please pass it on! A short answer with contact details to bulletin@xyna.com is enough. However, if you are not interested, a short email will suffice and we will remove you from the mailing list.

Network as Code - Xyna at the dtw ignite in Copenhagen

We have already written a lot about the conference itself (https://dtw.tmforum.org) in previous issues. Now the time had come and we were able to present the NETWORK AS CODE approach to a broad audience together with one of our favorite customers, Deutsche Telekom.

The challenges and solutions for setting up structured fulfillment architectures in accordance with the TM Forum's Open Digital Architecture were discussed.

In addition to this approach, we are considering an innovative self-learning approach that enables new network functions to be automatically incorporated into the catalog order chain. Supported by AI functions for horizontal and vertical integration. The aim is AI + Intent-based Networking a network of flexibly combinable components controlled by software (code).

Open APIs were an important topic at all corners, presentations and stands at the trade fair. Perhaps the central topic this year. And as the attentive reader of the last newsletter has already noticed: with the new Xyna OAS App it is possible to import the OAS specifications of the TM Forum into Xyna and have workflow endpoints and data structures generated automatically. This makes the topic of Open APIs with Xyna child's play!

... and if this all seemed too short, too abstract or too good to be true: just get in touch, we are happy to organize private sessions in small groups.

We had many good conversations, met old acquaintances and made new friends - both properly at the stand with demo and business context, as well as at the after-show parties with cocktail in hand. København, vi ses igen næste år.

If you would like to know more, please contact us at any time or send us an e-mail