Sunday, May 26, 2024

Review of an eventful year / Outlook for 2024

Xyna Bulletin #09

Dear customers, partners and friends,

not long now, and an eventful 2023 lies behind us.

In this last issue of the Bulletin, we want to take a look back at the major milestones of the last milestones of the last 12 months --- and take a first look at 2024, which will seamlessly seamlessly.

We would like to take this opportunity to thank you for your interest in the Bulletin newsletter so far. We hope that we are still on the right track with this format — we have always been delighted with the positive feedback!

The global political stage is in a difficult state these days. Nevertheless, we want to look to the coming year with confidence and hope — and wish you all peaceful days and a healthy start to the coming year.

Best regards from Mainz,
Alexander & Philipp

Xyna GmbH
Dr. Alexander Ebbes / Philipp Dominitzki

PS: Do you know colleagues who are also interested in Xyna? Then please pass it on! A short answer with contact details to is enough. However, if you are not interested, a short email will suffice and we will remove you from the mailing list.

Spring: Professional & JAX

The course we set for our future direction in 2022 became visible with the division into the operating companies GIP Exyr GmbH and Xyna GmbH.

GIP Exyr GmbH continues to operate as a system integrator and consulting company for sophisticated solutions in the field of network automation / OSS-IT / API-driven transformation.

Company Structure

Xyna GmbH bundles our activities in the Xyna Factory area. On the one hand, the implementation of the commercial edition Professional, with which providers and other companies can secure the Xyna open source platform for use in active systems on critical infrastructures. In spring, we were also able to acquire our existing customer Deutsche Telekom as a proud reference customer for a company-wide license.


And secondly, our start-up Xyna.AI (see summer) is creating a nucleus for innovative solutions in the field of artificial intelligence — with a focus on the use of AI in critical infrastructures with high requirements in terms of transparency, traceability and openness.


At MLCon in Berlin (see Winter), we have just presented the latest highlight from Xyna.AI: a neuro-symbolic approach to automating processes across system landscapes in critical infrastructures with the help of API learning, Conversational GenAI and data-driven structures.

We also launched our "Tour de Xyna 2023" at JAX in Mainz ( in the spring. The XyPilot (our own CoPilot for Xyna, AI support for workflow modeling) saw the light of day there for the first time - still as a pilot or demo!

JAX impressions

Summer: Welcome Xyna.AI & ANGA COM

Embedded in Xyna GmbH, we are now bundling all activities relating to approaches and solutions with artificial intelligence in our AI startup Xyna.AI (


The XyPilot is also the first result of the development activities: a solution based on the GitHub CoPilot and similar AI coding tools to accompany application development with Xyna Factory.

XyPilot in Xyna Process Modeller

As a special feature and in line with our focus on openness and transparency, XyPilot offers the option of accessing large commercial GenAI models in the background or, alternatively, integrating free models that run in a private cloud and can be retrained with sensitive data. In our view, this is an absolute necessity when developing management systems in critical infrastructures.

At ANGACOM in Cologne (, Alexander outlined the application areas of AI in the field of network automation in his keynote speech - and we met many old and new friends. #anganight

ANGACOM impressions

There was also an interesting interview with about Xyna Factory and the advantages and consequences of graphical workflow modeling and automation, which you can read again here.

Fall: OpenRheinMain

The OpenRheinMain ( Conference for Open Source and Emerging Digital Technologies of the Department of Computer Science at Darmstadt University of Applied Sciences is now a home game for us - as it is for Deutsche Telekom, DB Systel, Boehringer Ingelheim, Lufthansa Systems, Uniberg and many others who are involved in the digitalization of networks and sophisticated (critical) infrastructures in the Rhine-Main region.

Company Logos
OpenRheinMain impressions

In our Gold Sponsor keynote "AI Beyond the Mainstream", we were able to show why we should or must focus on solutions beyond the dominant big players, especially in Europe. We see great potential for the use of AI in the area of network automation / management and operation of critical infrastructures (keywords: intent-based networking, autonomous networks). But there are also limits and framework conditions that will be set by the EU AI Act currently being drafted.

Following on from the keynote, we took a look behind the scenes of the XyPilot in the session "Pair-Programming with AI?!" and demonstrated how we implemented this intelligent GenAI extension for assisted deep modeling with Xyna Factory.

Winter: Machine Learning Conference

We concluded our tour at the Machine Learning Conference ( in Berlin at the beginning of December. Alexander's keynote address focused on the strategic value (and performance) of open components that enable companies to avoid becoming dependent on commercial black box offerings. The aim is to protect their own innovations and preserve intangible assets.

MLCon impressions

There was also an accompanying hands-on session at MLCon entitled "Pair-Programming with AI?!" on the GenAI extension XyPilot for assisted deep modeling with Xyna Factory.

Presentation Slides

Outlook for 2024 — TM Forum dtw & more

We will continue our "Tour de Xyna" in the coming year and, in addition to technical and content-related messages, we will also keep reporting here in the Bulletin newsletter on where we are traveling with Xyna - and what new messages, approaches and solutions we have brought with us.

Overall, the topic of Xyna.AI is becoming increasingly important - artificial intelligence, which is penetrating all areas of IT and technology with the current wave, will play a central role in all our projects and solutions.

An important date has already been set for 2024: the TM Forum digital transformation world (dtw) in Copenhagen in June:

tmforum: 18-20 June 2024 Copenhagen

Safe the Date!

What exactly we will be presenting there and in what form - stay tuned ... and keep reading the next issues.

If you would like to know more, please contact us at any time or send us an e-mail.