Tuesday, October 1, 2024

ORM 24: KI, QC, TMF & River Raid

Xyna Bulletin #17

Dear friends, partners and customers of Xyna,

On Friday we were present at the OpenRheinMain in Darmstadt (https://www.openrheinmain.org). In today's special edition we have summarized a few highlights for you.

And just a little preview... to get you excited: the next newsletter (Bulletin #18, probably in about 2 weeks) will be about Xyna 10.1: the new functions for Python code snippets and the import of YANG data models.

But first of all, enjoy reading!

Kind regards from Mainz,



AI vs. QC

In the keynote speech at the opening of the conference "AI vs. Quantum Computing", Alexander (xyna.AI) and Dr. Thomas Ehmer from the Healthcare Digital Innovation division of Merck AG compared the two very different concepts for future computing in a dialectical dialogue.

A wide range was covered, from the theoretical foundations to the history and development of the last few years to current approaches and areas of application, as reflected in the GIP / Xyna in the areas of telco networks and computational biology.

And what was the outcome of the little debate? Ultimately (of course) there was no clear winner, because while artificial intelligence is currently establishing a new era of IT - even beyond the fun toy applications like ChatGPT - e.g. in the field of synthetic biology (keyword AlphaFold) or weather forecasts (keyword GraphCast), quantum computing is still in its early stages of developing from theoretical concepts to usable applications. But it is making great strides and with super exciting activities in very different industries and fields of application. There is definitely a lot to come here, and that has the potential for a real... quantum leap.


TM Forum Open APIs

In the afternoon, our colleague Sascha Krause held a session on the TM Forum Open APIs: where they come from, what advantages (and possible consequences) they bring with them - and of course how such interfaces and BSS/OSS application chains can be implemented using the new Xyna OAS / TMF functions.

With Xyna 10, a whole series of new functions for API handling have been added, particularly for TM Forum Open APIs, such as Xyna TMF Validator and Xyna TMF Instantiator for validating incoming API messages against a service specification and for generating data types from the payload. Or the Xyna TMF Generator for the automated generation of service catalog entries in accordance with TMF633.

If you would like to experience this live and in color, please get in touch!


River Raid

In addition to the lectures, we also had a booth at the exhibition. And this year there was a very special highlight to admire and play: an original Atari 600 XL (https://de.wikipedia.org/wiki/Atari_600XL) from Alexander's childhood room with River Raid Challenge:

Luckily, the conference was only attended by students and not by schoolchildren, because who would have known: At the end of 1984, the "socially and ethically disorienting" River Raid was banned in Germany because of its "war-glorifying" and "aggression-increasing characteristics", i.e. added to the list of media harmful to minors, meaning that the game could only be offered to adults. Well... a few years later, we looked at it again and came to the conclusion that a few completely different types of computer games had been created in the meantime...

And so, without any major pangs of conscience, we were able to hold a nice challenge with impressive high scores and share our winnings with the student population:

  • 1st place: a Lego set "ATARI 2600", for which the game was originally developed
  • 2nd place: an original Xyna.AI deck chair
  • 3rd place: the book "NEXUS" by Yuval Noah Harari

We congratulate all winners and participants. And we are already looking forward to the next OpenRheinMain in autumn 2025!